In a previous paper (1) we discussed the relation of degree of gastric acidity of people without organic disease of the stomach to physical fitness, age, and other factors. It was shown that acidity tends to decrease with advancing years and that people in poor general physical condition, on the whole, have a less acid stomach juice than those who are fit. The present report deals with a similar study of the volume of gastric secretion and gastric motility after a standard stimulus.
METHODSThe subjects were part of the group used for the previous observations (1). As far as possible organic. lesions of the stomach were excluded in every case. The tests were carril out by the method which has previously been described in detail (1, 2).The volume of gastric secretion In a previous paper (3) it was pointed out that following stimulation of the stomach with 50 cc. of 7 per cent alcohol the maximum tenminute volume of gastric secretion varied in different people from 10 to 40 cc. with occasional greater or smaller values. The present larger series of 51 people is in essential agreement since all but four observations fall within the range of 10 to 50 cc.Relation of volume of secretion to age In view of the clear relationship of gastric acidity to age, an inquiry was made as to the relation of age to volume of gastric secretion. The dots in chart 1 indicate the highest ten-minute secretion volumes, after the standard alcohol stimulus, in different cases plotted in rela-295