astrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) are mesenchymal tumors that arise throughout the gastrointestinal tract and, rarely, in the mesentery or retroperitroneum. They are characterized by strong immunohistochemical staining for CD117 and most contain activating mutations in the KIT receptor thyrosine kinase, particularly at exons 9,11,13 and 17.1,2 Approximately one-third of tumors that are wild type at the KIT gene harbor mutations in the juxtamembrane and thyrosine kinase domains of a related thyrosine kinase receptor, platelet-derived growth factor reTurkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci 2010;30(1)
361Multiple Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors and Their Association with Other Rare Tumors: Case Report A AB BS S T TR RA AC CT T We iden ti fi ed fo ur pa ti ents with mul tip le gas tro in tes ti nal stro mal tu mors (GIST) in small bo wel. Thre e of the adult pa ti ents ha ve ne u ro fib ro ma to sis type 1 (NF1) and one pa ti ent ha ve ne it her NF1 nor any ot her fa mi li al di sor der. Im mu nos ta ins for CD117, CD34, des min, ac tins, S-100 pro te in, and ke ra tins we re per for med on all of the tu mors. Pa ti ent's ages/gen ders we re 65/F, 66/M, 36/M and 65/F. All of the pa ti ents had mul tip le GISTs in small bo wel; at le ast thre e no du les at the si ze of ave ra ge 3.0 cm (0.2 mm-12 cm). The first pa ti ent had in ci den tal so ma tos ta ti no ma in am pulla va tery at the sa me ti me, and the se cond one had synchro no usly ade nom yo ma in am pul la va tery and gas tric ade no car ci no ma me tac hro no usly, third one was fo und in ci den tally du ring his in va gi nati on ope ra ti on and the fo urth one had gas tro in tes ti nal stro mal tu mor me tas ta sis in li ver and had thyro id pa pil lary car ci no ma (TPC) twenty ye ars be fo re. GISTs may pre sent with ot her ra re tu mors.K Ke ey y W Wo or rd ds s: : Gas tro in tes ti nal stro mal tu mors; ne op lasms, mul tip le pri mary; ne u ro fib ro ma to sis 1 Ö ÖZ ZE ET T İnce bar sak bas kın Gas tro in tes ti nal stro mal tü mör le ri (GİST) olan 4 eriş kin has ta su nul makta dır. Has ta la rın 3'ün de Nö ro fib ro ma to zis Tip 1 (NF1) bu lun mak ta iken di ğer has ta da NF1 ve ya her han gi bir ai le sel has ta lık mev cut de ğil di. Tüm has ta la ra ait tü mör ler de im mu no his to kim ya sal ola rak CD117, CD34, dez min, ak tin, S-100 pro te in ve ke ra tin ça lı şıl dı. Has ta la rın yaş la rı ve cin siyet le ri 65/K, 66/E, 36/E ve 65/K şek lin dey di. Mul tip le GİST has ta la rı mı zın tü mün de in ce bar sak yer le şim li çok sa yı da or ta la ma 3.0 cm (0.2 mm-12 cm) çap ta ol mak üze re en az 3 no dül bu lun maktay dı. İlk has ta mız ay nı za man da rast lan tı sal ola rak am pul la va te ri böl ge si ne yer leş miş so ma tos tati no ma ya, ikin ci has ta mız yi ne am pul la va te ri de ade nom yo ma ya ve fark lı za man da gas tric ade no kar si no ma ya sa hip ti. Üçün cü has ta mız da in va gi nas yon ope ras yo nu sı ra sın da te sa dü fen multip le GİST tes pit edil di. Ay nı za man da ka ra ci ğer me tas taz la rı da olan son has ta ...