The heart lacks complete regeneration capacity. In mice, the cardiac apex can regenerate 1 day after birth, although 7 days after birth the repair occurs with a fibrous scar. However, the key transcription factors (TFs) related to this loss of regeneration capacity remain largely unknown. We aimed to find candidates for key TFs using proteomic profiling and comparison during loss of neonatal mouse cardiac regeneration capacity, with preliminary validation using western blotting (WB) and real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). A total of 69 common discrepant TFs with similar variation trends in two TF response element experiments were identified, 18 of which were matched to known key signaling pathways of cardiac regeneration after pathway enrichment of downstream genes. Validation using RT-qPCR-selected DACH1, RBL1 (P107), and TBX20, and further validation with WB-selected RBL1 (P107) and TBX20. We therefore identified two candidates for key TFs in the loss of mouse cardiac apex regeneration capacity. TBX20 has been biologically validated, and RBL1 (P107) needs to be validated in the future.Abbreviations: catTFREs, concatenated tandem array of 50 consensus TFREs; FOT, frequency of total; LC-MS, nano-liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry; RT-qPCR, real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction; TFRE, TF response elements; TFs, transcription factors; WB, western blotting First author under standardized training of residents at West China hospital.