Defect centers in chemical-mechanical polished MOS oxides generated by either x-ray irradiation or high-field stress have been characterized using electron paramagnetic resonance and C-V analysis. In x-ray irradiated samples equivalent densities of both oxide trap E' and interface-trap PbO centers were detected in unpolished and polished oxides. In addition, significantly larger (6 times) densities of Pbl centers were observed in irradiated chemical-mechanical polished oxides as opposed to unpolished oxides. This suggests that the polishing process alters the Si02/Si interface. However, the Pbl centers detected in these samples do not respond electrically like conventional interface traps or border traps. This raises questions concerning the electrical and physical nature of Pbl centers in these oxides. The high-field stress data showed no difference in the density of defect centers induced in polished and unpolished oxides. Pbl centers were not observed in either oxide following high-field stress.techniques will be required to fabricate the next generation of radiation-hardened technologies. In fact, Loral Federal Systems utilizes CMP during the manufacture of the radiation-hardened 1 Mbit SRAM ~3 1 .In this paper, we used electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) to investigate the effects of CMP on the radiation response of thermal oxides. CMP has emerged as the surface planarization method of choice for commercial technologies with feature sizes 5 0.35 pm [4,5]. Films deposited on wafers are planarized by rotating the wafer under pressure against a polishing pad in the presence of a silica-based alkaline slurry. CMP is used to eliminate depth of focus problems for submicron lithography and defects associated with metal thinning that can occur over steep topography. The SEM cross section illustrated in Figure 1 depicts the surface topography before (top photo) and after (bottom photo) CMP of a tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) dielectric that was deposited on patterned metal lines. The photos show that chemical-mechanical polishing is effective at