We study a modification of the Higgs inflation scenario where we introduce an extra scalar φ, with mass m, coupled to the Ricci scalar as gφ 2 R, and mixed with the Higgs field h by means of the Lagrangian term µφh 2 . Both fields participate in the inflation process in a unitary theory that predicts values of the cosmological observables in agreement with the results from the Planck/BICEP/Keck collaborations. In addition, by means of a CP odd effective operator that couples φ to the Chern-Simons term of the hypercharge gauge group as f −1 φ φ Y µν Ỹ µν , maximally helical magnetic fields are produced during the last e-folds of inflation.We found a window in the coupling f φ where these fields survive all constraints until the electroweak phase transition, and source the baryon asymmetry of the Universe through the Standard Model chiral anomaly. From a phenomenological perspective, the model can solve the Standard Model instability problem at the scale Q I 10 11 GeV, provided that µ m Q I , and for m O(few) TeV, the φ-h mixing becomes sizable while the theory turns natural. The latter thus predicts modifications of the trilinear and quartic couplings that could be explored at the HE-LHC, as well as at future colliders, and allows for direct φ production at the LHC followed by decay into hh. Present results from ATLAS and CMS already put (mild) bounds on the mass of the heavy scalar as m 0.55 TeV at 95% CL.