The c-vortex ensembles are constructed by means of the recently proposed cooling method which gradually removes the SU (2)/Z 2 coset fields from the SU (2) lattice configurations and which thus reveals the Z 2 vortex vacuum texture. Using Teper's blocking method, the screening masses of the 0 + and the 2 + glueball is calculated from these vortex ensembles and compared with the masses obtained from full configurations. The masses of either case agree within the achieved numerical accuracy of 10%. As a byproduct, we find that the overlaps of the Teper operators with the glueball wavefunctions are significantly larger in the case of the c-vortex ensembles. * Supported in part by Graduiertenkolleg Hadronen und Kerne.PACS: 11.15.Ha 12.38.Aw keywords: confinement, vortex dominance, glueball mass, SU(2) lattice gauge theory.
1Introduction. The idea that the center part of the SU(N) gauge configurations are important for the confinement of quarks dates back to the late seventies [1]. Indeed, the proposal that the vortex free energy serves as an order parameter for quark (de-)confinement was recently confirmed in the case of a SU(2) gauge group by a large scale lattice simulation [2]. Subsequently, Mach and collaborators explicitly constructed a vortex signature of the Yang-Mills vacuum from gauge invariant variables [3]. It was observed at that time that random fluctuations of the vortex structure disorders the Wilson loop and, hence, provides quark confinement. With the increase of the computer performance in the mid eighties, many research efforts were devoted to substantiate this idea on a quantitative level [4,5]. One finds that projecting the full lattice configurations onto its vortex content reproduces the string tension of the static quark anti-quark potential. Recently, it was pointed out that not only the asymptotic behavior of the potential but also the short range part which is due to gluon exchange is reproduced if the plaquette is used for a definition of the vortex ensemble [6]. Moreover, the properties of the vortices arising from the plaquette projection technique strongly depend on the size of the lattice spacing thus rendering a continuum interpretation of the latter vortices cumbersome [6].