Object-oriented programming is a paradigm that allows us to write programs by modeling real-world things in the form of classes and objects. The main goal of Object-oriented programming is to develop software that integrates various attributes, such as reusability, maintainability, and reliability. Many researchers have identified various problems and proposed concrete solutions regarding the teaching and learning process of Object-oriented programming courses. However, a map of problems and solutions is needed that summarizes what has been discussed by previous researchers so that it can be seen what the core problems related to learning in Object-oriented programming courses. In this study, we conducted a systematic literature review on course problems and solutions in OOP learning. For that purpose, we considered research works published from 2017 to 2021 in IEEE Xplore, ACM Digital Library, and Google Scholar as many as 9664 articles based on search keywords. The method used in the SLR performs three stages, namely planning, implementation, and reporting. From the SLR process, there are 60 articles for our research and review them from related issues from three aspects, namely students, content and technology, and lecturers. Based on the analysis, four major problems were identified, namely the complexity and abstraction of the material, the learning model, the lecture time, and the background and experience of students. The majority of researchers propose the development of learning media or the development of learning models.