We consider a five-dimensional Einstein-ChernSimons action which is composed of a gravitational sector and a sector of matter where the gravitational sector is given by a Chern-Simons gravity action instead of the EinsteinHilbert action and where the matter sector is given by the socalled perfect fluid. It is shown that (i) the Einstein-ChernSimons (EChS) field equations subject to suitable conditions can be written in a similar way to the Einstein-Maxwell field equations; (ii) these equations have solutions that describe an accelerated expansion for the three possible cosmological models of the universe, namely, spherical expansion, flat expansion, and hyperbolic expansion when α, a parameter of the theory, is greater than zero. This result allows us to conjecture that these solutions are compatible with the era of dark energy and that the energy-momentum tensor for the field h a , a bosonic gauge field from the Chern-Simons gravity action, corresponds to a form of positive cosmological constant. It is also shown that the EChS field equations have solutions compatible with the era of matter: (i) In the case of an open universe, the solutions correspond to an accelerated expansion (α > 0) with a minimum scale factor at initial time that, when time goes to infinity, the scale factor behaves as a hyperbolic sine function. (ii) In the case of a flat universe, the solutions describe an accelerated expansion whose scale factor behaves as an exponential function of time. (iii) In the case of a closed universe there is found only one solution for a universe in expansion, which behaves as a hyperbolic cosine function of time.