The detection of manufacturing errors is crucial in fabrication processes to ensure product quality and safety standards. Since many defects occur very rarely and their characteristics are mostly unknown a priori, their detection is still an open research question. To this end, we propose Dif-ferNet: It leverages the descriptiveness of features extracted by convolutional neural networks to estimate their density using normalizing flows. Normalizing flows are well-suited to deal with low dimensional data distributions. However, they struggle with the high dimensionality of images. Therefore, we employ a multi-scale feature extractor which enables the normalizing flow to assign meaningful likelihoods to the images. Based on these likelihoods we develop a scoring function that indicates defects. Moreover, propagating the score back to the image enables pixel-wise localization. To achieve a high robustness and performance we exploit multiple transformations in training and evaluation. In contrast to most other methods, ours does not require a large number of training samples and performs well with as low as 16 images. We demonstrate the superior performance over existing approaches on the challenging and newly proposed MVTec AD [4] and Magnetic Tile Defects [14] datasets.