Deriving Bayesian inference for exponential random graph models (ERGMs) is a doubly intractable problem as the normalizing constants of both the likelihood and posterior density are intractable. Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods which yield Bayesian inference for ERGMs, such as the exchange algorithm, are asymptotically exact but computationally intensive, as a network has to be drawn from the likelihood at every step using a "tie no tie" sampler or some other algorithm. In this article, we develop a variety of variational methods for posterior density estimation and model selection, which includes nonconjugate variational message passing based on a fully adjusted pseudolikelihood and stochastic variational inference. We propose computing the unbiased gradient estimates in stochastic gradient ascent using importance sampling techniques to overcome the computational hurdle of drawing a network from the likelihood at each iteration.These methods yield approximate Bayesian inference but can be up to orders of magnitude faster than MCMC. We illustrate these variational methods using real social networks and compare their accuracy with results obtained via MCMC.