Motivated by the physics of mobile triplets in frustrated quantum magnets, the properties of a two dimensional model of bosons with correlated-hopping are investigated. A mean-field analysis reveals the presence of a pairing phase without single particle Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) at low densities for sufficiently strong correlated-hopping, and of an Ising quantum phase transition towards a BEC phase at larger density. The physical arguments supporting the mean-field results and their implications for bosonic and quantum spin systems are discussed. [4]. The interplay of interaction, disorder and kinetic energy leads to the ground states that can be a superfluid, a Bose glass, a Mott insulator or a supersolid [5][6][7][8][9][10][11]. In the context of spin models too, the Schwinger boson mean-field theories provide a useful description of magnetism in the bosonic language [12][13][14][15].Over the last decade, bosons have also been used in the context of quantum magnetism to describe the magnetization process of gapped systems with a singlet ground state such as spin ladders, the triplets induced by the magnetic being treated as hard-core bosons. These bosons may condense, leading to the ordering of the transverse component of the spins, but they might as well undergo a superfluid-insulator transition, leading to magnetization plateaux [16]. For pure SU(2) interactions, and without disorder, the common belief is that the only alternative, not realized so far in quantum magnets, is a supersolid, i.e. a coexistence of these phases.In this paper, we propose that there is another possibility, namely a pairing phase without single particle Bose condensation. Our starting point is the observation that the effective bosonic model of a frustrated quantum magnet such as SrCu 2 (BO 3 ) 2 [17] contains, in addition to the usual kinetic and potential terms, a correlated-hopping term where a boson can hop only if there is another boson nearby, and that this term can be the dominant source of kinetic energy in geometries such as the orthogonal dimer model realized in SrCu 2 (BO 3 ) 2 [18,19]. While the possibility of bound state formation was already pointed out in that context, the consequences of the presence of such a term on the phase diagram at finite densities have not been worked out yet.For clarity, we concentrate in this paper on a minimal version of the model, but we have checked that the
−t −t'
FIG. 1: The diagonal bonds (−t′ ) denote a correlated-hopping process, and the nearest neighboring bonds denote the single particle hopping (−t).conclusions apply to the more realistic model derived for SrCu 2 (BO 3 ) 2 [20]. This model is defined on a square lattice by the Hamiltonianwhere b † r , b r are boson operators and n r = b † r b r . t and t ′ are the measures of single particle and correlated-hopping respectively. A hard core constraint that excludes multiple occupancy should in principle be included. However, we will concentrate on the low density limit, where this constraint is expected to be irrelevant. S...