The impact of wheat (WT) flour replacement up to 45% (weight basis) by incorporation of ternary 25 blends of teff (T), green pea (GP) and buckwheat (BW) flours on the thermal profiles of quaternary blended 26 dough matrices have been investigated by simulating baking, cooling, and storage in differential scanning 27 calorimeter (DSC) pans. Endothermal transitions related to suitable patterns for low and slow starch 28 hydrolysis, softer crumb and retarded firming kinetics in blended breads include delayed temperatures for 29 starch gelatinization, and for the dissociation of amylose-lipid complex. In addition, a) higher stability for the 30 amylose-lipid inclusion complex, b) lower energy for starch gelatinization, c) lower limiting melting enthalpy 31