The article discusses the administrative-legal and phenomenological approaches to understanding the official loyalty. Official loyalty is being considered under the administrative-legal approach as adherence to formal official duty, which is a system of obligations, taken together with official status, the source of which are: normative base of service activity, legal requirements of the head and public interests. Lists of the limitations of administrative-legal approach to understanding the of official loyalty: weak underdeveloped concept, the failure to take into account the wide range of situations, operation with a models rather than actual processes. Discusses the advantages of the phenomenological approach in studying the performance of loyalty: its psychological advantages, the existence of a theoretical framework, the work with the real phenomena. Within the phenomenological approach official loyalty is defined as psychological-behavioral integration of the employee in the group operating in the service sector, on the basis of a common cause of activities. Possibilities of sharing of the considered approaches for the decision of problems of optimization of official activity are designated.