The pandemic has made financial planning more challenging and underlined the importance of having a solid financial plan in place. The study aims to gain insights into investors' preferred investment avenues before and after COVID-19, their level of awareness and adoption of investment advisory services, the importance of different investment avenues after the pandemic, and factors that prevent investors from investing through advisory services. To conduct this study, a survey was distributed to a diverse group of investors. The findings show that the pandemic has significantly influenced investment management practices, with investors prioritizing stable and low-risk investment avenues over high-risk ones. The study also highlights the importance of investment advisory services in the post-COVID era, with many investors expressing interest in such services. However, the level of awareness and adoption of these services remains low. Factors such as lack of trust, high fees, and inadequate information prevent investors from using investment advisory services. Overall, the study provides valuable insights into investment management practices and the role of investment advisory services in the post-COVID landscape.