“…Nevertheless, a complete lack of sex differences for any of the individual sounds was quite surprising, as numerous psychophysiological studies have commonly shown sex differences to emotional stimuli using various methods, including fMRI (e.g., Wrase et al, 2003), EEG (e.g., Schirmer, Kotz, & Friederici, 2005), steady-state probe topography (e.g., Kemp, Silberstein, Armstrong, & Nathan, 2004), and more peripheral measures such as heart rate, facial EMG, skin conductance, and startle effect (e.g., Bradley, Codispoti, Sabatinelli, & Lang, 2001). However, because this current data is only of a descriptive nature, any attempt to theorize why there is a lack of sex differences in the LADS where there were slight differences in the IAPS and the ANEW would be complete speculation.…”