Background: Myosin motor function in muscle is dependent upon inter-domain interactions. Results: Charge reversal for either of two amino acids in the interacting relay or converter domains disables myosin function in vitro and in vivo, whereas the double mutation largely restores it. Conclusion: These residues link myosin relay and converter domains via a salt bridge. Significance: Disrupting this communication may cause human hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.Our molecular modeling studies suggest a charge-dependent interaction between residues Glu-497 in the relay domain and Arg-712 in the converter domain of human -cardiac myosin. To test the significance of this putative interaction, we generated transgenic Drosophila expressing indirect flight muscle myosin with charge reversal mutations in the relay (E496R) or converter (R713E). Each mutation yielded dramatic reductions in myosin Ca-ATPase activity (ϳ80%) as well as in basal (ϳ67%) and actin-activated (ϳ84%) Mg-ATPase activity. E496R myosin-induced in vitro actin-sliding velocity was reduced by 71% and R713E myosin permitted no actin motility. Indirect flight muscles of late pupae from each mutant displayed disrupted myofibril assembly, with adults having severely abnormal myofibrils and no flight ability. To understand the molecular basis of these defects, we constructed a putative compensatory mutant that expresses myosin with both E496R and R713E. Intriguingly, ATPase values were restored to ϳ73% of wild-type and actinsliding velocity increased to 40%. The double mutation suppresses myofibril assembly defects in pupal indirect flight muscles and dramatically reduces myofibril disruption in young adults. Although sarcomere organization is not sustained in older flies and flight ability is not restored in homozygotes, young heterozygotes fly well. Our results indicate that this chargedependent interaction between the myosin relay and converter domains is essential to the mechanochemical cycle and sarcomere assembly. Furthermore, the same inter-domain interaction is disrupted when modeling human -cardiac myosin heavy chain cardiomyopathy mutations E497D or R712L, implying that abolishing this salt bridge is one cause of the human disease.Muscle myosin heavy chain is composed of an N-terminal motor domain that binds myosin light chains at its lever arm. This connects to a rod domain that dimerizes with another heavy chain molecule and assembles into multimeric thick filaments. Thick filaments interdigitate with actin containing thin filaments within sarcomeres. Myosin powers muscle contraction in an ATP-dependent manner through its interaction with actin, allowing thin filaments to slide past thick filaments. The mechanochemical cycle of the myosin molecular motor is dependent upon inter-domain interactions that communicate changes in nucleotide state, actin binding, and lever arm position (1). In this regard, the myosin relay domain serves as a critical communication center, interacting indirectly with the nucleotide and actin binding sites and directly with ...