In this paper we study time-inhomogeneous affine processes beyond the common assumption of stochastic continuity. In this setting times of jumps can be both inaccessible and predictable. To this end we develop a general theory of finite dimensional affine semimartingales under very weak assumptions. We show that the corresponding semimartingale characteristics have affine form and that the conditional characteristic function can be represented with solutions to measure differential equations of Riccati type. We prove existence of affine Markov processes and affine semimartingales under mild conditions and elaborate on examples and applications including affine processes in discrete time. arXiv:1804.07556v2 [math.PR] E " e xu,Xty |F s ‰ " exp`φ s pt, uq`xψ s pt, uq, X s y˘(3)for all 0 ď s ď t and u P U. Moreover, X is called time-homogeneous, if φ s pt, uq " φ 0 pt´s, uq and ψ s pt, uq " ψ 0 pt´s, uq, again for all 0 ď s ď t and u P U.Note that the left-hand side of (3) is always well-defined and bounded in absolute value by 1, due to the definition of U.Remark 2.2. Comparing Definition 2.1 with the definition of an affine process in [10] (which treats the time-homogeneous case) and [14] (which treats the time-inhomogeneous case), we have replaced the Markov assumption of [10,14] with a semimartingale assumption. In view of [10, Thm. 2.12] this seems to slightly restrict the scope of the definition, since it excludes non-conservative processes. On the other hand, and this is the central point of our paper, we do not impose a stochastic continuity assumption on X, as has been done in [10,14]. It turns out that omitting this assumption leads to a significantly larger class of stochastic processes and to a substantial extension of the results in [10,14].To continue, we introduce an important condition on the support of the process X. Recall that the support of a generic random variable X, is the smallest closed set C such that P pX P Cq " 1; we denote this set by supppXq. For a set A we write convpAq for its convex hull, i.e. the smallest convex set containing A.Condition 2.3. We say that an affine semimartingale X has support of full convex span, if convpsupppX t qq " D for all t ą 0.Under Condition 2.3, φ and ψ are uniquely specified:Lemma 2.4. Let X be an affine semimartingale satisfying the support condition 2.3. Then φ s pt, uq and ψ s pt, uq are uniquely specified by (3) for all 0 ă s ď t and u P U.Proof. Fix 0 ă s ď t and suppose that r φ s pt, uq and r ψ s pt, uq are also continuous in u P U and satisfy (3). Write p s pt, uq :" r φ s pt, uq´φ s pt, uq and q s pt, uq :" r φ s pt, uq´φ s pt, uq. Due to (3) it must hold that p s pt, uq`xq s pt, uq, X s y takes values in t2πik : k P Nu a.s. @ u P U.However, the set U is simply connected, and hence its image under a continuous function must also be simply connected. It follows that u Þ Ñ p s pt, uq`xq s pt, uq, X s y is constant on U and therefore equal to p s pt, 0q`xq s pt, 0q, X s y " 0. Hence, p s pt, uq`xq s pt, uq, xy " 0, for all x P supppX s q and u P U. T...