The recent reports of the replica symmetry breaking (RSB) phenomenon in photonic experiments [1-5] boosted the understanding of the role of disorder in multimode lasers, as well as helped to settle enlightening connections [6-13] with the statistical physics of complex systems. RSB manifests when identically-prepared system replicas reach distinct states, yielding different measures of observable quantities [14]. Here we demonstrate the RSB in the spontaneous mode-locking regime of a conventional multimode Nd:YAG laser in a closed cavity. The underlying mechanism is quite distinct from that of the RSB spinglass phase in cavityless random lasers with incoherently-oscillating modes. Here, a specific nonuniform distribution of the gain takes place in each pulse, and frustration is induced since the coherent oscillation of a given subset of longitudinal modes dominates and simultaneously inhibits the others. Nevertheless, when high losses are introduced only the replica-symmetric amplified stimulation emission is observed. We therefore suggest that the RSB transition can be used as an identifier of the threshold in standard multimode lasers, as recently proposed and demonstrated for random lasers [1,2].The concept of RSB appeared in the late 1970's in the context of Parisi's theory of disordered magnetic systems [14,15]. In this framework, for sufficiently low temperatures and strong disorder, the free energy landscape breaks into a large number of local minima in the configuration space. Due to frustrated magnetic interactions in the disordered Hamiltonian, spins fail to align in a spatially regular configuration, as in the ferromagnetic state. Instead, spins "freeze" along random directions in a spin-glass state. As a given spin configuration can be trapped in a local free energy minimum, metastability and irreversibility effects arise in the spinglass phase. Consequently, identical systems prepared under identical conditions (system replicas) can reach different states with different measures of observable quantities and nontrivial correlation patterns in a replica symmetry breaking scenario. Later on, the scope of this concept was much extended to reach other complex systems [14], including neural networks and structural glasses.In the photonic context, theoretical predictions of RSB behavior emerged in the last decade [6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13], mainly related to the properties of multimode random lasers (RLs). In the photonic-to-magnetic analogy, the mode amplitudes play the role of the spins and the excitation pumping energy acts as the inverse temperature. In 2015, the very first experimental evidence of photonic RSB arose in a two-dimensional (2D) functionalized T 5 OC x oligomer amorphous solidstate RL [1]. Subsequent demonstrations of RSB appeared in 1D erbium-doped random fiber laser [4,5] and 3D functionalized TiO 2 particle-based dye-colloidal [3] and neodymium-doped YBO 3 solid-state [2] RLs. In these cavityless systems, the manifestation of RSB concurs with the settlement of a glassy phase of light...