Solitary parasitoids of colony-forming hosts may produce quasi-gregarious broods, which favours sibmating on the natal patch and local mate competition (LMC). We examined seasonal variations in brood size and sex ratio in three species of solitary parasitoids of aphids associated with trophobiotic ants. Adialytus arvicola, a parasitoid of Sipha agropyrella on grasses, had the smallest broods (mean=4.2, maximum 19), while Lysiphlebus hirticornis, a parasitoid of Metopeurum fuscoviride on tansy, had the largest broods (mean=32.0, maximum 265). In Pauesia pini, a parasitoid of Cinara piceicola on Norway spruce, broods comprised an average of 5.8 (maximum 41) individuals; brood size increased during early summer when hosts became more available but remained the same later in the season. In all three species the sex ratio at eclosion was female-biased, with broods containing approximately two daughters for each son in both A. arvicola and L. hirticornis; the degree of female-bias was least in P. pini. The sex ratio did not vary with brood size. In A. arvicola, the variance of the number of sons declined with an increase in brood size, consistent with "precise" sex allocation. In contrast, in L. hirticornis, the overall sex-ratio variance was greater than its binomial expectation, while it did not differ from binomial in P. pini. A large proportion of broods contained only sons or only daughters, especially in A. arvicola. An excess of male-only broods is expected if constrained females (which can produce only sons) contribute offspring prior to mating. The number of male-only broods, however, did not differ from the number expected if all females are mated and allocate offspring sexes binomially, except in P. pini. In the latter species, broods with two daughters (as opposed to two sons) exceeded binomial expectations. We propose that P. pini is largely outbreeding, while the strongly female-biased sex ratio in A. arvicola and L. hirticornis is consistent with partial sibmating and LMC. Ant-parasitoid interactions could account for a different population mating structure in the three parasitoid species. Both A. arvicola and L. hirticornis mimic the epicuticular hydrocarbon pattern of their aphid hosts. Eclosing wasps are ignored by honeydew-collecting ants and hence can mate and forage on the natal patch. In contrast, P. pini generally depart the mummy area to avoid attacks by trophobiotic ants and mate off patch.