In the last 20 years, rapid and significant developments have occurred in communication and information technologies. In parallel with these developments, the importance of smartphones has increased. In addition, many smartphone manufacturers have launched and continue to launch a number of new models with many features. People who want to buy a new smartphone have difficulties selecting the best smartphone among the numerous models available on the technology markets. Therefore, smartphone selection has become a complex multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) problem for people. Hence, decision-making processes will be facilitated by using MCDM methods, and these will provide the most appropriate decision. In this paper, the best smartphone among the 28 alternatives determined by the person who will buy them are selected by using three main criteria and 17 sub-criteria with the help of a two-phased MCDM approach. In the first phase, 28 smartphone alternatives are ranked using the analytic network process (ANP). In the second phase, a model that includes the best four alternatives of ANP is created. Afterwards, the best smartphone is selected using the generalised Choquet integral (GCI) method according to this model. Finally, the findings and the results are given.
OPSOMMINGGedurende die afgelope twintig jaar het daar vinnige en noemenswaardige ontwikkeling in die kommunikasie en informasie tegnologie geskied. In parallel hiermee het die belangrikheid van slimtelefone toegeneem. Daarmee saam stel slimtelefoon-vervaardigers gereeld nuwe modelle met nuwe funksies vry. Dit is dus moeilik vir 'n potensiële kliënt om die beste seleksie uit die groot verskeidenheid tot hul beskikking te maak. Slimtelefoonseleksie is 'n ingewikkelde multi-kriteria besluitnemingsprobleem. Die besluitnemingsproses word dus gefasiliteer deur gebruik te maak van multi-kriteria besluitnemingsmetodes. Hierdie artikel bepaal die beste slimtelefoon vanuit agt-en-twintig alternatiewe deur gebruik te maak van drie hoof kriteria en sewentien subkriteria met die hulp van 'n twee-ledige multi-kriteria besluitnemingsbenadering. Eerstens word die agt-entwintig alternatiewe met behulp van die analitiese netwerk proses gerangskik en daaruit word 'n model, wat uit die vier beste alternatiewe bestaan, geskep. Laastens word die beste slimtelefoon gekies deur die veralgemeende Choquet integraal metode op die model toe te pas.