Let w be a real-valued function on R and k be a positive integer. If for every real number x, w(x + 2k) = rw(x + k) + sw(x) for some nonnegative real numbers r and s, then we call such function a second-order linear recurrent function with period k. Similarly, we call a function w : R → R satisfying w(x + 2k) = −rw(x + k) + sw(x) an odd secondorder linear recurrent function with period k. In the present paper, we present some elementary properties of these type of functions and develop the concept using the notion of f -even and f -odd functions discussed in [7]. We also investigate the products and quotients of these functions and provide in this work a proof of the conjecture of B. Sroysang which he posed in [13]. In fact, we offer here a proof of a more general case of the problem. Consequently, we present findings that confirm recent results in the theory of Fibonacci functions ([7]) and contribute new results in the development of this topic.