In this study, firstly, tube surfaces given with Flc frame are
introduced. The Gaussian and mean curvature of these surfaces were found
and their singular points were determined. By investigating the
conditions for parameter curves on the surface to be asymptotic,
geodesic and curvature lines, it has been shown that θ parameter
curves of the surface can never be asymptotic, but always geodesic. In
particular, it is concluded that the parameter curves t and
θ are curvature lines if they are planar curves. Afterwards, the
focal surfaces of the tube surfaces given with the Flc frame are
defined. By calculating the Gaussian and mean curvatures of these focal
surfaces, it was found that they are always developable and never
minimal. Afterwards, the conditions for parameter curves on the focal
surface to be asymptotic, geodesic and curvature lines were
investigated, and it was seen that the t parameter curves of the
surface could never be asymptotic and the θ parameter curves were
always asymptotic curves and curvature lines. Finally, examples of these
surfaces are given using the Maple program.