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KeywordsTemperature, Calcium-Silicate-Hydrate (C-S-H), Thermodynamic Calculations, Hydration Products, Blended Cement.
AbstractThere exists limited information regarding the effect of temperature on the structure and solubility of calcium aluminosilicate hydrate (C-A-S-H). Here, calcium (alumino)silicate hydrate (C-(A-)S-H) is synthesised at Ca/Si = 1, Al/Si ≤ 0.15 and equilibrated at 7-80°C. These systems increase in phase-purity, long-range order, and degree of polymerisation of C-(A-)S-H chains at higher temperatures; the most highly polymerised, crystalline and crosslinked C-(A-)S-H product is formed at Al/Si = 0.1 and 80°C. Solubility products for C-(A-)S-H were calculated via determination of the solid-phase compositions and measurements of the concentrations of dissolved species in contact with the solid products, and show that the solubilities of C-(A-)S-H change slightly, within the experimental uncertainty, as a function of Al/Si ratio and temperature between 7°C and 80°C. These results are important in the development of thermodynamic models for C-(A-)S-H to enable accurate thermodynamic modelling of cement-based materials.
IntroductionTemperatures experienced by cement and concrete based construction materials in service can vary greatly, due to heat evolution from cement hydration, variable ambient environmental conditions, steam curing, and other factors. understanding of the nature of C-S-H and other constituent phases in these systems at equilibrium [6][7][8][9] has meant that hydrated neat PC materials can be accurately described by thermodynamic modelling at temperatures from 5°C to above 80°C [10]. Extending this analysis to the CaO-Al 2 O 3 -SiO 2 -H 2 O system represents a major step toward applying this technique to hydrated PC blends with high replacement levels of supplementary cementitious materials, which are not fully described by existing thermodynamic models [11]. This will enable a much deeper understanding of the chemistry and phase composition, and hence durability, of these materials in service.The chemistry and structure of calcium (alumino)silicate hydrate (C-(A-)S-H) products at ambient conditions have been the subject of sustained research for more than half a...