We present a review of the Unitary Coupled Cluster (UCC) ansatz and related ansätze which are used to variationally solve the electronic structure problem on quantum computers. A brief history of coupled cluster (CC) methods is provided, followed by a broad discussion of the formulation of CC theory. This includes touching on the merits and difficulties of the method and several variants, UCC among them, in the classical context, to motivate their applications on quantum computers. In the core of the text, the UCC ansatz and its implementation on a quantum computer are discussed at length, in addition to a discussion on several derived and related ansätze specific to quantum computing. The review concludes with a unified perspective on the discussed ansätze, attempting to bring them under a common framework, as well as with a reflection upon open problems within the field.
I. IntroductionA. A brief history of Coupled Cluster theory B. Assumed background and notation conventions C. Coupled Cluster theory 1. Formulation 2. Projective approaches 3. Variational approaches 4. Moving beyond the classical II. Estimating energies on quantum computers A. Quantum Phase Estimation B. Variational Quantum Eigensolver C. Tackling challenges within QPE and VQE by UCC III. The Unitary Coupled Cluster ansatz for quantum computing A. Fermionic excitations: The basic building blocks B. Qubit perspective on fermionic excitations C. Commutativity of subterms in fermionic excitation operators