Brazilian group, thanks for the relaxing and enjoyable time playing together. My research group in Brazil VICG (and ICMC in general), thank you for discussing useful (or not) ideas while drinking coffee, and moments of making fun of each others inside the office. Thanks go to the SVCG research group in Groningen, that treat me kindly and helped me to improve my research skills. Many thanks to the 5 th floor JBI friends, for exploring the city, countries and restaurants, and spending great moments together. Also, I would like to acknowledge the research funding provided by the Brazilian agencies FAPESP (grant 2011/17925-1), CNPq (grant 156580/2011-0), and the research project CAPES/NUFFIC 028/11. Carol, for believing in me more than I usually do, giving me support in hard times and sharing so many great moments together: Thanks a lot. God: No matter who, what or where are You. No matter if You are only one or many. No matter which religion You really belong (if You, in fact, belong to some). What matters is that you are providing me wonderful moments, in wonderful places, with wonderful people. Thanks! Palavr as-chave: visualização de informação, projeção multidimensional, visualização multimídia, visualização explicativa. ABST RACT COIMBRA, D. B.. M ultidimensional proj ections for the visual explor ation of multimedia data. 2016. 236 f. Thesis (Doctorate Candidate Program in Computer Science and Computational Mathematics (ICMC-USP) and of PhD (RUG), in accordance with the international academic agreement for PhD double degree agreement for PhD double degree signed between