Abstract:We report a new quantum path interference effect of electron trajectories in high-order harmonic generation (HHG) from two-center molecules, in which the interference minima are mainly located in the highenergy portion of HHG spectrum. The quantum calculations of the timefrequency analyses and the classical results of the electron trajectories demonstrate very good agreement and reveal that the positions of the interference minima are associated with the cutoff of various kinds of molecular electron trajectories. The interference fringes within a half optical cycle can be clearly seen in the time-frequency analysis spectrum. Moreover, the characteristics of both the HHG in frequency domain and the corresponding attosecond pulse generation in time domain permit tracing back the interference information of these electron trajectories. These interference phenomena offer new possibilities for getting insight into the attosecond electronic dynamics in molecules. Gallmann, P. Salières, and U. Keller, "Ionization effects on spectral signatures of quantum-path interference in high-harmonic generation," Opt. Express 17(7), 5716-5722 (2009). 10. C. Winterfeldt, C. Spielmann, and G. Gerber, "Optimal control of high-harmonic generation," Rev. Mod. Phys. 117-140 (2008). 11. P. B. Corkum, "Plasma perspective on strong field multiphoton ionization," Phys. Rev. Lett. 71(13), 1994-1997 (1993). 12. P. B. Corkum, and F. Krausz, "Attosecond science," Nat. Phys. 3(6), 381-387 (2007
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