This chapter comprises 18 relatively rarely used or old-fashioned crystals. 8.1 KB 5 O 8 · 4H 2 O, Potassium Pentaborate Tetrahydrate (KB5) Positive biaxial crystal: 2V z = 126.3 • at λ = 0.5461 µm [1] Molecular mass: 293.210 Specific gravity: 1.74 g/cm 3 [2] Point group: mm2 Lattice constants [2]: a = 11.065 ± 0.002 Å b = 11.171 ± 0.001 Å c = 9.054 ± 0.006 Å Assignment of dielectric and crystallographic axes: X, Y, Z ⇒ a, b, c Mohs hardness: 2.5 [2] Vickers hardness (in kgf/mm 2 ) [3], [4]