Optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) experiments were performed on interstitial atomic hydrogen centres in mixed configuration in RbCl and RbBr doped with I-, and RbCl doped with Br-, Hi"(1, Br) centres. In RbCI/I-the ODMR of a relaxed excited state with resolved proton hyperfine and I superhyperfine interaction was measured. The state is a spin quartet due to parallel spins at H-and I" with a large zero field splitting similar to what was found previously for KCI/I-. This state has also a fluorescence emission with ~= 3 7 0 nsec. In RbBr/I-a metastable nonradiating relaxed excited state was found with an ODMR spectrum due to an I" hole interacting with 2 Br neighbours along (1 10) (lifetime >20 msec) which tunnels back into the Hi"(1) centre. In RbCl/Brno relaxed excited state was found. Upon excitation the Hi"(Br-) centres decay into Hs-and C~Z ,~-centres.