The intensity distributions near the focal point for tight focusing of azimuthally polarized Laguerre-Gaussian beam including higher order modes are calculated based on vector diffraction theory. For higher order as well as the fundamental lower order mode A-TEM 01 *, a small focal hole at the centre is obtained for the focusing under high NA lens. In a limit of NA = 0.95, the higher order A-TEM p1 * mode beams of p = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are established numerically in detail. It is observed that one of the higher order mode A-TEM 51 * generates some interesting results. And it is also observed that the intensity distribution of the different mode has little variation among the degree of truncation (b) of the input beam beside the pupil. This work is important for optical manipulation, optical data storage, micro-machines and optical trapping applications for low refractive index particles.