A AVID VID VID VID VID B B B B B. M . M . M . M . MIN IN IN IN IN ABSTRA ABSTRA ABSTRA ABSTRA ABSTRACT CT CT CT CT: R : R : R : R : Reactiv eactiv eactiv eactiv eactive o e o e o e o e oxygen species (R xygen species (R xygen species (R xygen species (R xygen species (ROS) is for OS) is for OS) is for OS) is for OS)is formed enzymatically med enzymatically med enzymatically med enzymatically med enzymatically, , and by irr y irr y irr y irr y irradiation adiation adiation adiation adiation of food. I of food. I of food. I of food. I of food. It is also for t is also for t is also for t is also for t is also formed b med b med b med b med by the decomposition and the inter y the decomposition and the inter y the decomposition and the inter y the decomposition and the inter y the decomposition and the inter-r -r -r -r -reactions of R eactions of R eactions of R eactions of R eactions of ROS. OS. OS. OS. OS. The hy The hyThe hy The hy The hydr dr dr dr dro o o o oxy r xy r xy r xy r xy radical is the most adical is the most adical is the most adical is the most adical is the most reactive ROS and then followed by singlet oxygen. Reactions of ROS with food components produce undesirable reactive ROS and then followed by singlet oxygen. Reactions of ROS with food components produce undesirable reactive ROS and then followed by singlet oxygen. Reactions of ROS with food components produce undesirable reactive ROS and then followed by singlet oxygen. Reactions of ROS with food components produce undesirable reactive ROS and then followed by singlet oxygen. Reactions of ROS with food components produce undesirable volatile compounds and carcinogens, destroy essential nutrients, and change the functionalities of proteins, lipids, volatile compounds and carcinogens, destroy essential nutrients, and change the functionalities of proteins, lipids, volatile compounds and carcinogens, destroy essential nutrients, and change the functionalities of proteins, lipids, volatile compounds and carcinogens, destroy essential nutrients, and change the functionalities of proteins, lipids, volatile compounds and carcinogens, destroy essential nutrients, and change the functionalities of proteins, lipids, and carbohy and carbohy and carbohy and carbohy and carbohydr dr dr dr drates ates ates ates ates. Lipid o . Lipid o . Lipid o .