In this paper, we study the contribution of the chiral vortical effect, in addition to that of the chiral magnetic effect, to the evolution of the hypermagnetic field and the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the symmetric phase of the early Universe in the temperature range 100GeV ≤ T ≤ 10TeV. We choose a fully helical Chern-Simons wave configuration for the velocity and the hypermagnetic vector potential fields. The latter makes the plasma force-free in the absence of viscosity. We show that the most pronounced effect of the chiral vorticity is the production and initial growth of the hypermagnetic field. In particular, we show that in the presence of a non-zero matter asymmetry, the hypermagnetic field can grow from zero initial value only in the presence of a non-zero vorticity field. Moreover, we show that this initial growth not only increases the maximum value of the hypermagnetic field, but also causes the saturation of the hypermagnetic field and the conversion of the lepton-baryon asymmetry to occur more quickly, i.e., at a higher temperature. We show that the damping of the vorticity due to the presence of viscosity, which typically occurs extremely rapidly, does not significantly affect the evolution. * s −