The sensitivity of power system stability (including transient and dynamic stabilities) to generator parameters (including parameters of generator model, excitation system and power system stabilizer) is analyzed in depth by simulations. From the tables and plots of the resultant simulated data, a number of useful rules are revealed. These rules can be directly applied to the engineering checking of generator parameters. Because the complex theoretical analyses are circumvented, the checking procedure is greatly simplified, remarkably promoting the working efficiency of electrical engineers on site. are the total magnetic flux linkages of d-axis and q-axis windings, excitation winding f, equivalent damping windings D, g and are the synchronous reactances of d-axis and q-axis, the armature reaction reactances of d-axis and q-axis windings, the reactance of excitation winding f, the reactances of equivalent damping windings D, g and Q. And, in Equation (1) two assumptions are made: i) assume dψ d /dt ≈ 0 and dψ q /dt ≈ 0, that is, the elec-