Among topological modular forms with level structure, TMF 0 (7) at the prime 3 is the first example that had not been understood yet. We provide a splitting of TMF 0 (7) at the prime 3 as TMF-module into two shifted copies of TMF and two shifted copies of TMF 1 (2). This gives evidence to a much more general splitting conjecture. Along the way, we develop several new results on the algebraic side. For example, we show the normality of rings of modular forms of level n and introduce cubical versions of moduli stacks of elliptic curves with level structure.While our computation of mf(Γ 1 (7); Z) is not difficult to obtain, the reader should compare the simplicity of its expression with the presentation Rustom [50, Section 3.1] is forced to give by ignoring the elements of weight 1.After these explicit computations, we also prove more structural results about rings of modular forms. Theorem 1.3. For every n ≥ 2, the ring mf(Γ 1 (n); Z[ 1 n ]) is normal. Using results from [41], we give moreover a criterion for mf(Γ 1 (n); Z[ 1 n ]) being Cohen-Macaulay, which is satisfied for all 2 ≤ n ≤ 28.These commutative algebra results help us to develop cubical analogues of the stacks M 1 (n). To this purpose recall that M 1 (n) is usually defined as the normalization of the compactified moduli stack of elliptic curves M ell in M 1 (n). The stack M ell embeds into the larger stack M cub of all curves that can locally be described by a cubic Weierstraß equation. We can define M 1 (n) cub as the normalization of M cub in M 1 (n). We show:is Cohen-Macaulay. Our reason to consider these cubical stacks is that vector bundles seem to be easier to study on M cub than on M ell , a view inspired by work of Mathew [36]. This line of thought is already implicit though in the classification of vector bundles over weighted projective lines in [40, Proposition 3.4], where the idea was to extend them to vector bundles on the non-separated stack A 2 /G m . For M cub this idea takes the form that there is a nice smooth cover Spec A → M cub with A = Z[a 1 , a 2 , a 3 , a 4 , a 6 ] given by Weierstraß curves and thus quasi-coherent sheaves on M cub become equivalent to comodules over a certain explicit Hopf algebroid (A, Γ). For explicit calculations, this outweighs the disadvantage that M cub is neither Deligne-Mumford nor separated.Our wish for such explicit calculations was motivated by the results from [41].