Social media networks highly influence on a broad range of global social life, especially in the context of a pandemic. We developed a mathematical model with a computational tool, called EMIT (Epidemic and Media Impact Tool), to detect and control pandemic waves, using mainly topics of relevance on social media networks and pandemic spread. Using EMIT, we analyzed health-related communications on social media networks for early prediction, detection, and control of an outbreak. EMIT is an artificial intelligence-based tool supporting health communication and policy makers decisions. Thus, EMIT, based on historical data, social media trends and disease spread, offers an predictive estimation of the influence of public health interventions such as social media-based communication campaigns. We have validated the EMIT mathematical model on real world data combining COVID-19 pandemic data in the US and social media data from Twitter. EMIT demonstrated a high level of performance in predicting the next epidemiological wave (AUC = 0.909, F1 = 0.899).