Serum samples from six populations living in the Caspian Littoral anf from two populations (Armenians and Muslims) living in Teheran were tested for Gm(1,2,3,5,6,10,11,13,14,17,21,24,26) and for Inv(1). The Gm data show that all six populations from the Littoral have African and Mongoloid admixture. Genetic distance among these six populations was estimated using Nei's standard distance measure, and its standard error, based on the 11 loci analyzed by Kirk et al. (1977); on these 11 loci plus Gm; and on the foregoing 12-plus Inv. Only the distance measures for populations 1 and 4, 2 and 3 are significantly different in all three measures of distances, and then only at the 5% level. More loci will have to be studied before firmly based conclusions may be drawn concerning the relation of these populations to each other. The Armenian population, unlike the remaining seven populations, shows no evidence of African admixture, but it does show Mongoloid admixture. The Muslim population shows African and Mongoloid admixture and, in addition, has the unusual haplotype Gm3,5,10,11,14,17,26 at polymorphic frequencies.