A 5,2 kb P.~tl re~trietion trallment eontainlnll the atpA tt©ne cluster or' the plastic I~nom© of th~ centrl~: diatom Od.nrella ,~/.¢))sts wa~ cloned, $¢qu~acin~ revealed a readin$ frame o1" 561 hp separatin~ the ~cne~ atpF at~d I~,tpA, which is preceded by a putative ribosome bindin8 site, The third nueleotide or the codon for the last aminn acid of atpF is the first nucleotid¢ of the initiation codon of the 561 bp reading I'ram¢, The amino acid sequcnc~ deduced from the nueleotlde ~¢qu~nce of this Ilene (atpD) is ¢olinear with t~ subunits of different l~,F).ATPases and shows an overall ~equcnce homolol~y of up to .~5~ when compared with the sequenexs ofcyanobacteria and C, vanophor~ parmloxo. Tl~e results are (li~usscd in context with the evolution of chloroplasts of tl~e chlorophyll.a + b and -a + c lineages, respeetlvely,