Estimated somatic cell counts and incidence of clinical mastitis were measured on 163 daughters of two groups of bulls selected by two alternative criteria. Yield bulls were selected solely on progeny test for milk in first lactation; Merit bulls were selected by independent culling levels on fat-corrected milk yield, percent daughters culled in first lactation, and udder type conformation of daughters. Daughters of Yield sires exceeded daughters of Merit sires by 685 kg milk in first lactation. Groups did not differ significantly in measures of clinical mastitis or in measures of estimated cell counts of milk. Also, groups did not differ in kilograms milk discarded because of antibiotic treatment for mastitis, in spite of the large difference in total milk yield. Mean milk discarded per lactation completed was 171 kg, representing 64,243, and 207 kg for parities one, two, and three.
RightsWorks produced by employees of the U.S. Government as part of their official duties are not copyrighted within the U.S. The contents of this document is not copyrighted. ABSTRACT Estimated somatic cell counts and incidence of clinical mastitis were measured on 163 daughters of two groups of bulls selected by two alternative criteria. Yield bulls were selected solely on progeny test for milk in first lactation; Merit bulls were selected by independent culling levels on fat-corrected milk yield, percent daughters culled in first lactation, and udder type conformation of daughters. Daughters of Yield sires exceeded daughters of Merit sires by 685 kg milk in first lactation. Groups did not differ significantly in measures of clinical mastitis or in measures of estimated cell counts of milk. Also, groups did not differ in kilograms milk discarded because of antibiotic treatment for mastitis, in spite of the large difference in total milk yield. Mean milk discarded per lactation completed was 171 kg, representing 64,243, and 207 kg for parities one, two, and three.