Inthisunpredictableclimaticscenario,increasingcropproductivityunderlow water availability is the foremost challenge. The crops are further seriously affected,andtheyieldsaredrasticallyreducedduetoelevatedtemperature, greenhousegases,andhumidityduringthewater stressperiod.Toensure food security in the coming decades, scientists have summoned to increase thehigh-quality foodwiththeseclimaticvagaries. Thoughseveralagronomic and management strategies were proposed to mitigate the water stress, genetic improvementof cropswithimproveddroughttoleranceis the simple, sustainable and affordable option. Nevertheless, identification and molecular understandingoftheappropriatebreedingtraits thatcanalleviatetheimpact of water stress on crop plants are the trickiest part ofthis strategy. Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.)is gaining its importance in water stress tolerance plant breeding, as it has several clearly defined drought-tolerant component traits that promote productivity underlow water environments. The genomics and phenomics information generated in S. bicolor would immensely help breeding plants resilientto thechallenges of a water scarcity. This paper describes themolecularmechanismsofdroughttoleranceusing sorghum bicoloras amodel and howthis information canbeextrapolatedto breed better cultivars in other crops.