During this two decades, evolutionary computation has been successfully used for the design of fuzzy systems under the name of Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems (EFSs) or Genetic Fuzzy Systems (GFSs) 1,2,3,4,5,6 . This is because the use of evolutionary computation can enhance several abilities of fuzzy systems, such as the generalization ability for unseen and uncertain data sets, the interpretability for users, and the applicability to realworld problems. A series of special issues on EFSs and GFSs 7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 and a web bibliography compilation 15 clearly show that this research field is continuously growing and breaking in new research topics: novel representation schemes 16 , interpretability of fuzzy systems 17 , scalability issues 18 , subgroup discovery 19 , imbalanced datasets 20 , etc. This special issue includes the recent novel contributions to pattern classification, regression, association rule mining, and real-world applications.The first four papers are related to pattern classification problems. Two of them develop novel classifiers different from usual rule-based ones. The others focus on data sets with different aspects from standard benchmark data sets.The paper "An efficient inductive genetic learning algorithm for fuzzy relational rules" by A. González et al. proposes a genetic fuzzy rule learning algorithm for the design of a fuzzy relational rule model. The use of fuzzy relational rules enhances the knowledge representation ability of fuzzy models. The experimental study on pattern classification problems clearly shows that the proposed method can modify the generalization ability of fuzzy rulebased classifiers.The paper "A study on the use of multiobjective genetic algorithms for classifier selection in FURIAbased fuzzy multiclassifiers" by K. Trawiński et al. presents an ensemble fuzzy classifier design by evolutionary multiobjective algorithms. FURIA is used to generate component classifiers. NSGA-II is used to optimize the combination of the component classifiers with respect to two of four objective functions: the training accuracy, the number of component classifiers in an ensemble, and two diversity measures. The effects of different objective functions are examined through the experiments.