His+ reversion at multiple his- loci, 8-azaguanine resistance, and a previously reported direct plating cytotoxicity test were used to measure the genotoxic potencies of a series of anthracycline derivatives in Salmonella typhimurium. N-demethylated amino sugar monosaccharide anthracyclines reverted most his- tester strains and were positive with 8-azaguanine selection. Reversion of strain TA98 was the most sensitive end point for measuring the mutagenic activity of the N-demethylated anthracyclines. N,N-dimethyl amino sugar derivatives of Adriamycin and daunomycin were negative as measured by His+ reversion in tester strain TA98, but generated positive responses in tester strain TA102 that were equal to or greater than those of the demethylated parent compounds. Similarly, N,N-dimethyl amino sugar derivatives of pyrromycinone and 1-deoxypyrromycinone had no mutagenic activity as measured by His+ reversion except in tester strains TA102 and TA104. These later compounds also gave positive responses with 8-azaguanine selection. In view of these results, the importance of amino sugar dialkylation and anthracycline mechanisms of mutagenesis are discussed.