ABSTRACT. Adult specimens of M. galloprovincialis from Concepción Bay and M. chilensis from Yaldad Bay, Chile, were transferred to the laboratory to produce crosses of "pure" and "hybrid" species in order to evaluate early larval development and growth. These variables are important for understanding the dynamics of these two mussel species in this potential hybrid zone where they occur sympatrically. The study showed that fertilization occurred in all crosses and significant differences were not detected between pure lines and hybrids in terms of the percentage of eggs that developed into larvae. Hybrid larvae and spat from both reciprocal crosses grew significantly more than those from pure lines, although valve length values were within the ranges reported in the literature. Keywords: Mytilus chilensis, Mytilus galloprovincialis, larval development, hybrids, Chile.
Producción y comportamiento de larvas de especies puras e híbridas entreMytilus chilensis y Mytilus galloprovincialis obtenidas en laboratorio RESUMEN. Ejemplares adultos de M. galloprovincialis de la bahía de Concepción y de M. chilensis de la bahía de Yaldad, Chile, se trasladaron al laboratorio para realizar cruzamientos puros de cada especie e híbridos, para evaluar el desarrollo larval temprano y su crecimiento. Estas variables son importantes para entender la dinámica de estas dos especies de mitílidos en esta potencial zona híbrida donde se encuentran en forma simpátrica. El estudio mostró que la fertilización ocurrió en todos los cruzamientos y no se detectó diferencias significativas entre líneas puras e híbridas en el porcentaje de huevos que se desarrollaron a larvas. Las larvas y juveniles híbridos de ambos cruzamientos recíprocos crecieron significativamente más que las larvas de los cruzamientos de especies puras, aunque los valores de longitud de la valva están dentro de los rangos reportados en la bibliografía. There is no evidence in the literature for the presence of unfit hybrid recombinants within Mytilus hybrid zones (Comesaña et al., 1999;Toro et al., 2002;Beaumont et al., 2004;Westfall & Gardner, 2010;Dias et al., 2011). As discussed by Comesaña et al. (1999), the degree of natural hybridization is generally higher in the Mytilus edulis-M. galloprovincialis hybrid zone in Europe than in the M. edulis-M. trossulus hybrid zone on the east coast of north America. According to Harrison (1993) the more genetically divergent the parental types, the lower will be the fitness of the hybrids produced. This difference in natural hybridization in these two mussel hybrid zones implies that M. edulis and M. galloprovincialis are more closely related (Gardner, 1994) than are M. edulis and M. trossulus (Rawson et al., 1996). This has been corroborated by successful interbreeding between M. edulis and M. galloprovincialis, the