SACKS, J. M., and K. SADANAGA. 1984. Linkage between the male sterility gene ( m s , ) and a translocation breakpoint in soybean, Glycine max. Can. J. Genet. Cytol. 26: 40 1 -404. The F2 distribution of male sterility ( m s and flower color ( M,,) in a cross between translocation 172-1 1-3 ( W, Wl Ms , Ms ,) and A77-139 (u, w , Ms ms , ) in soybean, Glycine ma,u (L.) Merr., was highly abnormal. Duplicate-deficient and 41-chromosome progenies constituted 32% of the Fz population. The M , , and ms I loci are located on the translocation exchange chromosomes designated TI and T2, respectively. Evidence from other translocations suggests that linkage group 8 (LG8) is located on the single satellited normal chromosome designated N I . The breakpoint lies between the ms , and w , loci with recombination values of 18.4 2 3.3% and 2.0 -+ I .2%, respectively. Key ~9ord.s: I inkage. translocation. soybean, Glycine. SACKS, J. M.. et K. SADANAGA. 1984. Linkage between the male sterility gene ( m s , ) and a translocation breakpoint in soybean, Glycine m m . Can. J. Genet. Cytol. 26: 401 -404. La distribution en F, de la stirilitk mile (m.7,) et de la couleur des fleurs (M,,) dans un croisement entre les translocations 172-1 1-3 ( W I W , M s I Ms I ) et A77-139 ( M, I M,, Ms ms I ) chez le soya, Glyc-ine mau (L. ) Merr., s'est avkrke hautement abnormale. Une dkficience de duplication et des descendants a 41 chromosomes ont constituk 32% de la population F2. Les loci w , et m s , sont localisks sur les chromosomes d'kchange de translocation design& T I et TI, respectivement. Une kvidence provenant d'autres translocations suggere que le groupe de linkage 8 (LG8) est localisk sur un chromosome normal a un seul satellite dksignk Nl. Le point de rupture se situe entre les loci m s , et \rl, avec des valeurs de recombinaison de 18,4 + 3,3 et 2,O -+ 1,29". respectivement.