Camp, a t about 4300 feet. The stations within a locality are from 2 0 0 yards to 2+ miles apart, and the localities IO to 13 miles apart. Because of the differences in the elevation and other factors, the population density in Andreas is highest in March-April and lowest in summer. The population density a t Pinon is greatest in spring and autumn, and a t Keen in early summer. No flies can be collected a t Pinon and Keen in winter, and a t Andreas the flies are very rare in late summer.Five gene arrangements in the third chromosome are regularly present in populations of Mount San Jacinto. For descriptions of these arrangements, Standard, Arrowhead, Chiricahua, Tree Line, and Santa Cruz, see DOB-ZHANSKY and STURTEVANT 1938. A sixth arrangement, a new one, has been found in a single chromosome a t Keen D; it had arisen by mutation probably shortly before its detection, and in view of its rarity need not concern us here. Two gene arrangements are found in the right limb of the X chromosome: the Standard and the "sex-ratio.'' Males carrying the latter produce when crossed t o any females progenies which consist almost entirely of daughters (STURTE- VANT and DOBZHANSKY 1936).Whenever abundant material was available, the gene arrangements were recorded in approximately IOO third chromosomes from each sample. The wild females, most of which are impregnated before capture, are placed singly in culture bottles and allowed to produce offspring. Examination of the salivary