As a member of the somatotropic axis, insulin-like growth factor I receptor (IGF1R) seems to be a promising candidate gene. Two silent polymorphisms, identified by MspI and TaqI restriction enzymes, were selected within exon 2, encoding the majority of the putative ligand binding pocket. A total of 1169 cows of four pure breeds (Polish Holstein Friesian, Montbeliarde, Jersey and Holstein Friesian) were genotyped. The T (IGF1R/e2/MspI) and G (IGF1R/e2/TaqI) alleles were found to be prevalent. Three combinations of genotypes (TT/GG, TT/AG and CT/GG) were associated with the highest productivity (milk, protein and fat yields) among all breeds under study, as opposed to individuals carrying the worst CC/AA combination. In view of the specific structure of the ligand binding pocket and the significance of insulin-like growth factor I signalling promoting the development and differentiation in a variety of tissues (not only limited to mammary gland), the existence of missense mutation is unlikely. Potential mutations are likely limited to mRNA transcription and further post-transcriptional modifications. Further investigations should follow searching for the most useful IGF1R haplotypes, associated with higher milk production traits, exerting at the same time positive or neutral impact on health and welfare of individuals.