Leymus mollis (Trin.) Pilger (NsNsXmXm, 2n = 28), a wild relative of common wheat, possesses many potentially valuable traits for wheat breeding, i.e., strong and short stems, long spikes with numerous spikelets, tolerance to drought and cold, and resistance to many fungal and bacterial diseases. In this study, we hybridized a wheat-L. mollis triple substitution line 05DM6 × Triticum aestivum L. cv. 7182 to obtain DM45, a single chromosome substitution line. Cytological studies demonstrated that DM45 had a chromosome karyotype of 2n = 42 = 21II. Genomic in situ hybridization analysis indicated that DM45 had a pair of Ns chromosomes from L. mollis. Analysis with DNA markers, i.e., two simple sequence repeats (Xgdm111 and Xgdm126) and two expressed sequence tag-sequence tagged sites (CD453004 and BE443796), showed that the wheat 1Ds chromosome were substituted with a pair of 1Ns chromosomes from L. mollis in DM45. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis suggested that DM45 possessed Ns genomespecific bands in the low and high molecular weight glutenin subunit regions, whereas it lacked one glutenin subunit translated from genes on chromosome 1D, thereby confirming that DM45 was a wheat-L. mollis 1Ns#1 (1D) disomic substitution line. Agronomic trait evaluations showed that DM45 was much improved in terms of the 1000-grain weight and the protein and glutenin contents of its seeds, as well as having more florets and spikelets compared with its relative, common wheat variety 7182. The substitution line DM45 could be used as a novel germplasm in wheat genetic and breeding programs.