A ferrugem da folha da aveia é a moléstia mais importante que ataca a cultura da aveia, ocorrendo em praticamente todas as áreas em que a aveia é cultivada. A forma mais indicada para o seu controle é a utilização
i) URPEL 15 (R) x UFRGS 7 (S), UPF 16 (R) x UFRGS 7 (S) e URPEL 15 (R) x UPF 16 (R), para a determinação da herança da resistência ao isolado um (1); ii) URPEL 15 (R) x UFRGS 7 (S), UPF 18 (R) x UFRGS 7 (S) e URPEL 15 (R) x UPF 18 (R), para a determinação da herança da resistência ao isolado dois (2); iii) URPEL 15 (R) x UFRGS 7 (S) e URPEL 15 (R) x UPF 18 (S), para a determinação da herança da resistência ao isolado três (3). Os resultados obtidos
Oat crown rust is the most important disease for the oat crop, occurring in practically all the areas where oat is cultivated. The most indicated form of control for this disease is the use of resistant cultivars. However, for the durable resistance to be acquired, it is necessary to know the genetics of resistance to crown rust in oats. Thus, the objective of this work was to determine the type of inheritance of resistance to three Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae Fraser & Led., isolates (collected in southern Brazil) in brazilian white oat genotypes. To determine the inheritance of resistance to each one of three isolates,F 2 populations were used generated through artificial crosses, between resistant (R) and susceptible (S) and between resistant genotypes (R). Thus, F 2 populations from the following artificial crosses: i) URPEL 15 (R) x UFRGS 7 (S), UPF 16 (R) x UFRGS 7 (S) and URPEL 15 (R) x UPF 16 (R), were used to determine the inheritance of resistance to isolate one (1); ii) URPEL 15 (R) x UFRGS 7 (S), UPF 18 (R) x UFRGS 7 (S) and URPEL 15 (R) x UPF 18 (R), to determine the inheritance of resistance to isolate two (2); iii) URPEL 15 (R) x UFRGS 7 (S) and URPEL 15 (R) x UPF 18 (S), to determine the inheritance of resistance to isolate three (3).