This annual review of X-ray fluorescence covers developments over the period 2007-2008 in instrumentation and detectors, matrix correction and spectrum analysis procedures, X-ray optics and micro-fluorescence, synchrotron XRF, TXRF, portable XRF and on-line applications as assessed from the published literature. The trend set in previous years continues with an increase in the number of papers published on applications for XRF, including sample preparation, geological, environmental, archaeological, forensic, biological, clinical, thin films, chemical state and speciation studies. Earlier literature has not been ignored in that some of Archimedes oldest writing, previously hidden from sight in a medieval prayer book has now been revealed thanks to the power of modern m-SRXRF. X-ray optics now benefit from the use of poly-capillaries systems, equipment portability has been extended to include the TXRF configuration and readers will find several papers on the use of both two and three dimensional imaging to support environmental, geological and biological studies. The writing team would welcome feedback from readers of this review and invite you to complete the Atomic Spectrometry Updates questionnaire on 9 Applications 9.1 Sample preparation 9.2 Geological and industrial minerals 9.3 Environmental 9.3.1 Aerosols and particulates 9.3.2 Consequences of industrial activity 9.3.3 Other environmental studies 9.4 Archaeological, cultural heritage and forensic 9.5 Industrial 9.6 Clinical and biological 9.7 Thin films and coatings 9.8 Chemical state and speciation 10 Abbrevations 11 References