Concern has been expressed that carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) leaking from deep geological storage could adversely impact water quality in overlying potable aquifers by mobilizing hazardous trace elements. In this article, we present a systematic evaluation of the possible water quality changes in response to CO 2 intrusion into aquifers currently used as sources of potable water in the United States. The evaluation was done in three parts. First, we developed a comprehensive geochemical model of aquifers throughout the United States, evaluating the initial aqueous abundances, distributions, and modes of occurrence of selected hazardous trace elements in a large number of potable groundwater quality analyses from the National Water Information System (NWIS) database. For each analysis, we calculated the saturation indices (SIs) of several minerals containing these trace elements. The minerals were initially selected through literature surveys to establish whether field evidence supported their postulated presence in potable water aquifers. Mineral assemblages meeting the criterion of thermodynamic saturation were assumed to control the aqueous concentrations of the hazardous elements at initial system state as well as at elevated CO 2 concentrations caused by the ingress of leaking CO 2 . In the second step, to determine those hazardous trace elements of greatest concern in the case of CO 2 leakage, we conducted thermodynamic calculations to predict the impact of increasing CO 2 partial pressures on the solubilities of the identified trace element mineral hosts. Under reducing conditions characteristic of many groundwaters, the trace elements of greatest concern are arsenic (As) and lead (Pb). In the final step, a series of reactive-transport simulations was performed to investigate the chemical evolution of aqueous As and Pb after the intrusion of CO 2 from a storage reservoir into a shallow confined groundwater resource. Results from the reactive-transport model suggest that a significant increase of aqueous As and Pb concentrations may occur in response to CO 2 intrusion, but that the maximum concentration values remain below or close to specified maximum contaminant levels (MCLs). Adsorption/desorption from mineral surfaces may strongly impact the mobilization of As and Pb.