Geo chem i cal anal y sis for palaeoenvironmental in ter pre ta tionsa case study of the Eng lish Wealden (Lower Cre ta ceous, south-east Eng land)Oladapo AKINLOTAN 1, * 1 Uni ver sity of Brigh ton, School of En vi ron ment and Tech nol ogy, Lewes Road, Brigh ton, BN2 4GJ, UK Akinlotan, O., 2017. Geo chem i cal anal y sis for palaeoenvironmental in ter pre ta tions -a case study of the Eng lish Wealden (Lower Cre ta ceous, south-east Eng land). Geo log i cal Quar terly, 61 (1): 227-238, doi: 10.7306/gq.1328The el e men tal com po si tion of terrigenous sed i ments is ex tremely im por tant for in ter pret ing the depositional con di tions of sed i men tary bas ins es pe cially when tra di tional data are not avail able or in suf fi cient. For the first time in the pub lished lit er ature, the el e men tal com po si tion of the Lower Cre ta ceous Weald Ba sin (south-east Eng land) is pre sented via X-ray flu o rescence (XRF) and Spec tral Gamma-ray (SGR) meth ods. The con cen tra tions of Zr, Cr, Ni, Rb, and Sr in vary ing quan ti ties sug gest that the sed i ments may have been sourced from a sta ble craton while the en riched re dox-sen si tive el e ments such as Mo and Co con firm the pres ence of anoxic and re duc ing con di tions at the sites of de po si tion. The spec tral gamma-ray data show that the sand stone fa cies are more ra dio ac tive than the ad ja cent mudstone and shale and this trend is con sis tent with a fresh wa ter or i gin. The higher quan tity of tho rium in re la tion to ura nium in di cates hu mid and hot palaeoclimatic con ditions at the source ar eas that fa voured in tense weath er ing. The re sults of these anal y ses re in force the im por tance of the geo chem is try of sed i men tary rocks as use ful tools for un der stand ing the depositional con di tions of sed i men tary bas ins.Key words: el e men tal com po si tion, X-ray flu o res cence, spec tral gamma-ray, palaeoenvironments, Lower Cre ta ceous, south-east Eng land.
INTRODUCTIONThe use of the geo chem i cal com po si tion of sed i men tary rocks for in ter pret ing palaeo-and depositional en vi ron ments is well-doc u mented (e.g., Alvarez and Roser, 2007;Pe-Piper et al., 2008;Ghasemi-Nejad et al., 2010;González-Álvarez and Kerrich, 2010; Eker et al., 2012;Garnit et al., 2012;Pi et al., 2014;Wójcik-Tabol, 2015). The el e men tal com po si tion of terrigenous sed i ments is ex tremely im por tant for in ter pret ing the depositional con di tions of sed i men tary bas ins and may be more use ful than ex pected when tra di tional data such as field ob ser va tions and palaeontological ex am i na tions are not available or in suf fi cient. The geo chem i cal com po si tion of terrigenous sed i men tary rocks is a func tion of tec tonic set ting, prov e nance, weath er ing, trans por ta tion and diagenesis (e.g., Bhatia and Crook, 1986; Alvarez and Roser, 2007;González-Álvarez and Kerrich, 2010). Many ma jor el e ments such as Fe, K, Ca, Ti and Mn in de creas ing or der of abun dance may be af fected by diagenesis or bi o log ...