Due to the great variety of land resources in Indonesia, there is a wide range of levels of land appropriateness for various commodities. In order to provide the most physically feasible cultivation pattern and the greatest possible economic results, a land plan is required. This study aims to determine the suitability level of cocoa plantations in the Takapala Watershed (Jeneberang Subwatershed) using a geographic information system (GIS) method with overlays of slope maps, geomorphological maps, soil type maps, and land use maps. According to the analysis's findings, the Takapala watershed's area is suitable for growing cocoa (Jeneberang Subwatershed). Obtaining five land suitability sub-classes, including S2 extremely appropriate (with a 93.94 ha area), S3-W1 (marginally suitable class with a factor of 0.8), and S4-W1 (not at all suitable class) as a limiting factor for rainfall 1022.33 Ha with marginally suitable class. There is very good potential for cocoa plant growth in the Takapala Watershed, where the land adaptability level can reach 69.6%. This demonstrates that cocoa trees can develop into crops that can be grown in the Takapala watershed. On the one hand, the Takapala Watershed's topography will present a barrier to cacao development, needing specific approaches to cacao production. Future research should, it is anticipated, look into how cocoa plants should be managed in environments with steep-to-steep slopes.